
We design all transactions for speed and accuracy. Not just single transactions but also the batches run fast.

iCare manage room

Continuously Optimized

We are continuously optimizing all aspects of the iCare App - faster performance, consistent results, and ease of use.

Best RDBMS Principles

In designing each transaction and procedure, every detail of relational modeling techniques is thought out.

SQL Server Enterprise Edition

The top version of MS SQL Server has been deployed. We use the best data modeling and handling practices.

Fast Queries and Transactions

We benchmark every query and transaction for both speed and accuracy. When an issue is found, we go back and redo things quickly.

Server-Side Operations

We also design things with client-server load bearing in mind. Transaction validation and cascading rules are commonly pushed on the servers to utilize their scalability.

Reduced Network Traffic

Pushing transaction processing to the servers also reduces network traffic. Unless your network connection is extremely poor, you will get high performance with iCare.