Enterprise Tools

iCare is a serious enterprise-class application. Both novices and advanced users will find the methods they need, understand them easily, and master with them quickly.

iCare manage room


We take extraordinary care of your data. Backups are kept with daily, weekly, and monthly tags making it easy to go back, if needed.

Audit Trail/Change History

Crucial data resides in iCare. We track who entered or modified it and when for many areas and all important transactions.

Change History Logs

If needed data can be restored or analyzed from the detailed logs.

Auto-Fill SQL Query Writer

Even an SQL novice can write a custom query in iCare without much knowledge of SQL or knowing the iCare data structure. The query writer prompts you with the SQL syntax and the data table and field names.

Import/Export Functions

Report data can be exported to Excel or in several other formats. It gives you yet another way of analyzing data.

Batch Actions

Batch edits, deletes/voids, updates, email/texting, journaling, chat, etc. cut the time needed to complete your tasks.

Summary Functions

Sum, count, min, max, average, totals, and sub-totals are commonly available. Also, there is a built-in ‘Excel Pivot Table’ like feature in iCare.

Configurable Alerts/Notifications

Emails, SMS messages, on-screen alerts, and notifications are all configurable.