
Observing, documenting, and assessing each child’s development and learning are essential processes for educators and programs to plan, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of the experiences they provide to children (NAEYC).

In iCare, you’ll find a perfect platform for journaling - quick to use but also having the finer details for producing higher, more controlled outcomes.

iCare manage room

Individual and Batch Posting

Enter activity and development notes with ease and speed.

Category Organization

Put structure in your data for searchability and measuring outcomes.

Fast Entry

The fastest way to enter preset or one-off notes. And, easily manage the preset notes and their order of importance.

Attaching Photos

Pictures attached to the journal, give parents a visual for the recorded activity - providing a live, ever-expanding photo album as children are growing up.

Event-Based Journal Notes

Quickly post notes at any time for notable events of the day for any age group.

Curriculum-Based Journal Notes

Have a curriculum for children? Document their progress for each lesson, unit, and assignment.