Afterschool Care

iCare provides 2 scheduling options for afterschool care - a weekly recurring schedule or random days in a monthly calendar. Both models are highly developed allowing you to easily configure your enrollment rules, prepayment requirements, billing, scheduling options, holidays, and school closing and half days.

iCare manage room

Weekly Recurring Programs

Allows parents to pick all weeks between a start and end date or pick random weeks.

Monthly Scheduler (Day Picker)

Allows parents to schedule random days in the calendar with the option for prepayment required. Examples of scheduling options: AM, PM, Early PM, School HD, FD, etc.

Special Days (School Closing/Half Days)

Enter the school calendar in iCare giving parents the right scheduling options based on their children’s school calendar.

Multi-Site Control

Manage site-specific rules, allow parents to enroll a child in multiple sites, and allow children to attend multiple sites with proper site and corporate accounting.

Other Standard Features

All standard features from iCare Admin and the Parent/Teacher Apps are included.