Why Today’s Parents Want a Preschool Management System

The stage between toddlers and school-aged children is what we like to call the “preschool years.” Vast growth and development mark these imperative years for a child.

It is during this time when most children begin to get a sense of who they are as an individual, separate from their parents or care takers. These years provide the opportunity that children need before they enter grade school for social, cognitive, and physical growth.

They get more familiar with social expectations and they learn more vocabulary, which helps them better understand the world around them. Simultaneously, their little bodies and muscles grow, resulting in better coordination, which allows them to be able to run, skip, jump, and climb without too many falls.

With this much important development during these preschool years, it is very important to always choose a quality daycare program with a preschool management system that helps the teachers, parents and children all have a better experience.

Here are some helpful developmental tips to give a better idea of what to expect during these vital years of early childhood.

Preschool Management System Milestones at Three Years

What I’m Like

Watch out! I am charged with physical energy. I do things on my own terms. My mind is a sponge.

Reading and socializing are essential in getting me ready for school. I like to pretend a lot and enjoy scribbling on everything.

As I work to learn more vocabulary and how things work, I am full of questions, many of which are “Why?” I become fairly reliable about using the potty. And the great part is, I may stay dry at night.

Playing and trying new things out are how I learn. Sometimes I like to share. I begin to listen more and begin to understand how to solve problems for myself.

What I Need

I want to know about everything and understand words. And when encouraged, I will use words instead of grabbing, crying, or pushing.

Play with me, sing to me, and let’s pretend! Help me by finding a quality daycare program with a childcare app to help make my experience enjoyable and to encourage growth and development!

Important Information About Preschoolers at Four Years

What I’m Like

I’m in an active stage, running, hopping, jumping, and climbing. My favorite questions are “Why?” and “How?”

I’m interested in numbers and the world around me. Playing with friends is fun and exciting for me. I like to be creative with my drawings. And I may like my pictures to be different from everyone else’s.

I’m curious about sleepovers but am not sure if I’m ready yet. Maybe I want to be just like my older sister or brother. I am proud that I am so BIG now!

What I Need

I need to explore, to try out, and to test limits. Giving me room to grow doesn’t mean letting me do everything. I need reasonable limits set for my own protection and for others.

Let me know clearly what you expect. I need to learn to give and take and play well with others. Read to me, talked to me, and listened to me. Give me choices so that I can learn things in my own way.

Label objects and describe what’s happening to me so I can learn new words and things. Although I am four and feeling older, I would still benefit greatly from a quality daycare program that provides childcare management software. This way my parents and teachers are communicating effectively and I have optimal opportunities for growth. (California Department of Education, Ages and Stages of Development.)

The Role of Daycare Software

To promote healthy, nurturing, and successful growth for your child, choosing a quality early childhood program is critical.

Preschool programs who have access to helpful software programs, such as a preschool software, always provide multiple benefits for the family and teachers involved.

With these childcare software programs, schools have 24-hour assistance with items like parent-teacher engagement and full program administration. With the elimination of routine administration work and the enhancement of the parent-teacher relationship, everybody benefits.

This is what creates the environment of a quality daycare program. With less stress and more engagement, teachers are able to focus more on the children, helping them grow and develop. With help from iCare Software’s photo and chat features, parents are even able to text chat with the teachers and receive fun photos of their children hard at play.

Our software also provides teachers and parents with their own personal access to a developmental specialist who can help with any development questions or needs for all stages of the childhood years.