As a childcare center administrator, you probably wish you could spend less time on administrative tasks and more time growing your business. Empowering your staff will help you achieve more in less time while delighting parents.
What if you could show parents the value they are getting for their tuition with valuable metrics on what the kids learned? What if an invoice never went unpaid or incorrectly paid?
What if automation for invoicing could give you back valuable time in your day and allow you to have flexible scheduling so your daycare business schedule fit the schedule of your parents?
These questions can all be answered with childcare management software for your center. It’s a simple change, but provides a true transformation for your day-to-day workload.
iCare Software provides reports and automation that will help your child care administration this year and enable you to grow your company.
Transform your office and empower yourself with the following features from iCare Software.