Qualified Teachers

5 Professional Qualities that Stand Out in Preschool Centers

Childcare can be a challenging profession. There are 5 qualities that the really great childcare professionals tend to have. Here are those qualities so you can watch out for them as you work to build a winning team. Patience A great preschool teacher or administrator is patient because young children tend to ask repeat questions and need constant reminders of the same things over and over again. Children have energy galore and may need to be pulled back into the learning scene repeatedly

Date Icon December 4, 2018 Comment Icon No Comment

Childcare Management: How to Hire Good Staff

Like it or not, it’s now back-to-school season. As stores line the shelves with backpacks and lunchboxes, now is a good time to evaluate your childcare program to ensure you have the right people to run your childcare center this school year. Childcare staffing is a crucial aspect of your success. Your people are your most valuable asset. Here’s how to guarantee you hire the right staff from the start.

Date Icon August 2, 2018 Comment Icon No Comment

