Halloween activities can be tons of fun with preschoolers. Their eyes fill with wonder as they gaze upon pumpkins, cornfields and scarecrows while chasing down their favorite candy while trick or treating.
And although the holiday holds many fun treats and experiences, it can also carry some risks with it if you aren’t careful. Learn safety tips as you prepare for Halloween and get fun classroom Halloween activities for preschoolers to celebrate the season.
Costume Safety
As children become their favorite superhero or princess, they’ll beam with delight. But not all costumes are safe for little ones. Consider these safety tips for outfitting your child with the best costume to keep them safe during this season.
- Choose fire-resistant costumes made of nylon or polyester
- Keep your child’s eyes, mouth and nose uncovered so they can see and breathe well
- Add a nametag to your child’s costume with your contact information on it in case they get lost
- Select a costume your child can move freely in to prevent trips, falls and early exhaustion
- Ensure props look fake and are safe for a child to walk around with (i.e., no sharp edges)
- Add reflective tape to your child’s costume and have them use glow sticks so they are visible even as it gets dark
Trick or Treat Safety
Trick or treating is a beloved childhood activity. And when done well doesn’t prevent any safety concerns. Just be sure to follow these safety measures.
- Take your cell phone with you and instruct your child how to dial 911 in case of an emergency
- Always have a parent go along with children younger than 12
- Make a plan for who to call in case of an emergency or separation from your children
- Go in groups with neighbors or friends if you can and stick together throughout the night
- Only approach homes that have their porch light on
- Talk to children about how they should never walk into a stranger’s home or vehicle
- Avoid unlit areas or neighborhoods without streetlights
- Take a flashlight with you and be sure the batteries are fresh

Safety Tips for Handing Out Candy
Make your home safe and enjoyable for little trick or treaters by following these simple tips.
- Create a clear pathway to your front porch by removing any debris or decorations from the walkway
- Turn on your outside lights and porch light to improve visibility on your property
- Ensure that your pets cannot interfere with the trick or treat process
- Provide safe toy options for children as an alternative to candy, especially for children with allergies and keep these items away from common allergens
- Don’t hesitate to call local authorities if you see suspicious or concerning behavior from anyone
Classroom Halloween Activities for Preschoolers
Get in the spirit of Halloween by engaging in fun Halloween activities for preschoolers in the classroom. Here are some simple ideas that young children will enjoy.
- Masking tape mummies: have children apply masking tape to people-shaped cut-outs. This is great for fine motor skills!
- Small pumpkin art using markers or nailing on buttons and other objects
- Ghost bowling by filling water bottles with cotton balls and using an orange ball that looks like a pumpkin as the bowling ball
- Rock jack-o-lanterns where you invite children to paint rocks to look like jack-o-lanterns, so you don’t have the mess and risk of real jack-o-lanterns
- Marshmallow skeletons give children creative freedom and a fun classroom treat
- Dry erase pumpkin drawing. Just print off pumpkins, laminate and give children dry erase markers to explore creative ways to decorate the pumpkin again and again.
- Halloween-themed sensory bins. Fill up a bin with some black beans and then hide fun Halloween trinkets and toys among the beans for a fun sensory experience.
- Spider web walking game. Place tape on the floor in a web shape and have the children only walk on the web lines to get the children moving in the classroom.
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