Increase Subsidies with These Child Care Success Tools

Child playing while teacher observes development milestones

iCare Journal Templates Customized by State

There’s a very fine line between profitability and financial hardships when it comes to how to run a successful daycare business. Accurate documentation, billing and invoicing are all crucial in ensuring your success. Early childhood education software can be a huge asset to provide the necessary child care success tools.

Documenting developmental milestones plays two important roles in childcare centers:

  1. Proper documentation ensures maximum childcare subsidy collection in your state.
  2. Sharing milestones with parents shows the value you bring families. It also shows the quality education their student receives.

At iCare Software, we’re integrating each state’s developmental milestones into our journal templates. We know the value this information brings to a childcare center. But we also know the burden on teachers and administrators to structure their notes and information to meet these requirements.

Using iCare’s journal templates, you can easily export the information for subsidy verification. You can also share the information with parents to build customer loyalty.

State Childcare Subsidies and Child Care Success Tools

Each state has developmental milestones that childcare centers must document and report on. And a childcare center’s ability to prove developmental progress is tied to the subsidies it can collect from the state.

The better your record-keeping, the higher your childcare subsidy payments. The simplest way to document these milestones is through using early childhood education software. You’re already paying teachers to be in the classroom, so why not have them capture this important information with a few button clicks to maximize your income.

Our templates offer you a successful childcare tool that’s easy to use. Just select a developmental milestone from a drop down and add it to applicable students who have achieved that milestone. Plus, we give teachers more in-depth information about each development milestone with an information icon. That way, teachers know with confidence that they’re following their state’s guidelines.

Teachers then have the option to add a note to the milestone. They can also email parents whose children accomplished that milestone to share the great news. Otherwise, parents will see the update when they next log into their iCare account.

To make the accomplishment come to life for parents, teachers can also add a photo to the journal entry.

Parent Communication About Milestones

Teachers have just a couple of minutes with parents each day at drop off and pick up. During these times, the classroom is noisy and distracting. Communicating exciting developmental moments or large improvements in these busy moments can be challenging.

Plus, teachers have a whole classroom of students to share news with parents about. Remembering each moment and sharing the excitement at the end of a long day is tough. Yet effective parent communication is essential.

iCare journal templates make communication constant, seamless and accurate. Once preschool teachers tag a child in a journal update, parents can log in and see that update. Parents will know day-to-day the value that your center brings their family. This can prevent them from shopping around for other preschools or childcare centers.

While parents might not be as focused on the structured data that your state’s subsidy program will be, they’ll appreciate the simple and easy-to-read updates about their child’s development. All they have to do is log into the parent portal. Or they can turn on notifications via text messages or email.

And because it’s all integrated into the software, teachers won’t have to reference other data or materials to document this information accurately.

How to Run a Successful Daycare Business: Milestone Tracking

No childcare administrator wants to spend valuable time building developmental milestone reports based on teacher feedback. The process can be laborious and might make you wonder whether it’s worth it to pursue childcare subsidies.

But we can assure you that it is worth it when you have the right tools available to you. 

Experts with decades of experience helping childcare centers succeed designed iCare Software. We’re always looking for ways to make childcare centers more profitable, successful and enjoyable to operate.

iCare Software currently offers development milestone journal templates for the following states. We’re constantly adding to this list:

  • Texas
  • Florida
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • Illinois
  • Georgia
  • North Carolina
  • Washington
  • Indiana
  • South Carolina
  • Oregon
  • Montana
  • California
  • Massachusetts
  • New Jersey

Schedule a demo to see the iCare Software difference and how our tools can maximize your income while making your workday more enjoyable.