The school aged years are usually marked by steady growth and development. Making sure to offer children ample opportunities to move their bodies and stay physically active during this developmental phase will help ensure they strengthen the fundamental skills they need to live a healthy lifestyle as they continue to grow into adulthood. These skills will provide the child with the confidence and self-esteem they need to have an ongoing sense of independent accomplishment which often fuels significant growth and development. In this type of healthy development, hitting developmental milestones is a synch. However, not all children will succeed in reaching these targets for various reasons. In either case, it is extremely important to record each childu2019s development in order to analyze their growth, while simultaneously keeping a watchful eye for any weak areas that require further attention. Always search for childcare or schools with child care management solutions, such as a child care software program, as this makes the task of recording each milestone much more realistic due to helpful software features like daily journaling for teachers and parents. Here are some milestones and developmental markers children ages 6-12 may reach.
u201cWhat can my child do at this age?
As your child continues to grow, you will notice new and exciting abilities that your child develops. Here is where child care management solutions come into play and where they can really assist in the process of recording each childu2019s achievement and developmental progressions. While children may progress at different rates and have diverse interests, the following are some of the common milestones children may reach in this age group:
u2022 6- to 7-year-olds:
o Enjoys many activities and stays busy
o Likes to paint and draw
o May lose first tooth
o Vision is as sharp as an adult’s vision
o Practices skills in order to become better
o Jumps rope
o Rides a bike
u2022 8- to 9-year-olds:
o More graceful with movements and abilities
o Jumps, skips, and chases
o Dresses and grooms self completely
o Can use tools (i.e., hammer, screwdriver)
u2022 10- to 12-year-olds:
o Remainder of adult teeth will develop
o Likes to sew and paint
What does my child understand?
As children enter into school-age, their abilities and understanding of concepts and the world around them continue to grow. While children may progress at different rates, the following are some of the common milestones children may reach in this age group: Using early childhood education that provides child care management solutions that offer help with milestones and keeping track of childhood achievements is always important to remember.
u2022 6- to 7-year-olds:
o Understands concept of numbers
o Knows daytime and nighttime
o Knows right and left hands
o Can copy complex shapes, such as a diamond
o Can tell time
o Can understand commands with three separate instructions
o Can explain objects and their use
o Can repeat three numbers backwards
o Can read age-appropriate books and/or materials
u2022 8- to 9-year-olds:
o Can count backwards
o Knows the date
o Reads more and enjoys reading
o Understands fractions
o Understands concept of space
o Draws and paints
o Can name months and days of week, in order
o Enjoys collecting objects
u2022 10- to 12-year-olds:
o Writes stories
o Likes to write letters
o Reads well
o Enjoys using the telephone
How does my child interact with others?
A very important part of growing up is the ability to interact and socialize with others. During the school-age years, parents will see a transition in their child as he or she moves from playing alone to having multiple friends and social groups. While friendships become more important, the child is still fond of his or her parents and likes being part of a family. This is another area where using an education system that provides child care management solutions that offers help with milestones is always a good idea. This will assist teachers and parents in recording the childu2019s growth in these important areas of development. While every child is unique and will develop different personalities, the following are some of the common behavioral traits that may be present in your child:
u2022 6- to 7-year-olds:
o Cooperates and shares
o Jealous of others and siblings
o Likes to copy adults
o Likes to play alone, but friends are becoming important
o Plays with friends of the same gender
o May have occasional temper tantrums
o Modest about body
o Likes to play board games
u2022 8- to 9-year-olds:
o Likes competition and games
o Starts to mix friends and play with children of the opposite gender
o Modest about body
o Enjoys clubs and groups, such as Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts
o Becoming interested in boy-girl relationships, but does not admit it
u2022 10- to 12-year-olds:
o Friends are very important; may have a best friend
o Increased interest in the opposite gender
o Likes and respects parents
o Enjoys talking to othersu201d
(Lucile Packard Childrenu2019s Hospital, Stanford u2013
Child development can be an extremely complex subject, even for teachers and school staff. That is why one of the best child care management solutions, iCare Software, has done the hard work for you and offers a complementary, personal developmental specialist who will provide developmental assistance to teachers, parents and children at all times. Keeping track of every milestone can be hard, especially for teachers and schools with hundreds of students. Rest assured knowing that iCare Software will be there to assist you with any and all of your child development questions and needs. With professional assistance like iCareu2019s, the child involved enters an environment that is catered to their learning and is focused solely on their academic success. Only in these types of prestigious environments can a child reach their highest potential. Let iCare Software help your children get the education they deserve.